Restricted (Joint Venture Units)
There are 12 one bedroom and 10 two bedroom community housing (joint venture) units.
Both type of units have the following:
- Carport supplied
- Residents are responsible for gas and electricity consumed
- Floor coverings, blinds and lace curtains are provided
- Gas heating is provided in the lounge area and/or reverse cycle air-conditioning
Restricted Conditions
To be eligible for Joint Venture accommodation, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a permanent resident of Australia
- Live in Western Australia and receive your income here
- Meet current income limits
- Not own property or land
- Not have cash assets in excess of $80,000 (Seniors single or couple)
- Be 65 years of age or above
Unrestricted (Narrogin Cottage Homes Rental Units)
Of the 3 types of accommodation units available, these are the most affordable. The units are of an older style and and it is important to note that they may have limited access to accessories such as a carport and may share some services. We have both 3 x 1 bedroom and 7 x 2 bedroom community housing units.
Unrestricted Conditions
- Be a permanent resident of Australia
- Live in Western Australia and receive your income here
- Be 65 years of age or above
Rents are reviewed annually by the Board of Management based on current ATO Zone Rental Equivalent Rates for the region. For 2021/2022 rents are calculated following an income assessment. Rent assistance is available from Centrelink for those who are eligible. A bond of 4 weeks rent is also applicable.
These units have the following:
- A limited number of carports are available
- Residents are responsible for gas and electricity consumed
- Gas heating is provided in the lounge area and/or reverse cycle air-conditioning
- Floor coverings, blinds and lace curtains are provided